Chatswood High School

Inspiring excellence - achieving success

Telephone02 9419 3611


Student Wellbeing

Wellbeing in schools is for all students. A focus on wellbeing goes beyond just welfare needs of a few individual students and aims for all students to be healthy, happy, successful and productive individuals who are active and positive contributors to the school and society in which they live.

The Wellbeing Team at Chatswood High School is led by the three Head Teachers Wellbeing (one per stage) and includes:

  • Deputy Principals
  • School Counsellors
  • Year Advisors
  • Assistant Year Advisors
  • Student Support Officer (Youth Outreach Worker)
  • Careers Advisor
  • Learning Support Staff

The Wellbeing Team follows the guidelines set by the Department of Education Wellbeing Framework that encourage schools to create learning environments that enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful. At Chatswood High School this is achieved by personalised, small group and year group programs and initiatives focusing on cognitive, emotional, social, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

At Chatswood High School, the Wellbeing Team provides support for student wellbeing through a dynamic program of activities purposefully designed to strengthen student wellbeing and provide strong connections between students, parents and carers and the school community.

Each student has a Year Advisor and Assistant Year Advisor who provide support, building strong and open relationships. All students have access to counselling services, the Careers Advisor, Student Support Officer and Learning and Support teacher. This professional support is integral to our student wellbeing program

School TV

School TV

Chatswood High School has partnered with SchoolTV to give parents clear, fact-based information on challenges such as youth anxiety, drug and alcohol use, and cyberbullying. Each episode of SchoolTV addresses a major topic with expert interviews, fact sheets, recommended apps and resources. Using information from respected services such as Beyond Blue and Reach Out, parents save time and cut through the clutter by accessing the information they need when they need it.

Online and Phone Counselling


1800 650 890

(9am to 1am/ 7 Days a week AEST )

eheadspace provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 – 25 and their families and friends.

Kids Helpline

1800 551 800

Kids Helpline is a free Australian telephone and online counselling service for young people

aged between 5 and 25.

Beyond Blue

1300 22 44 36 (24 hours/ 7 Days a week)

Beyond Blue offers free telephone and online support and counselling with a trained mental

health profession.


13 11 14 (24 hours/ 7 Days a week)

Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Mental Health Intervention and Support


Chatswood headspace 02 8021 3668

headspace deliver early intervention mental health, drug and alcohol, sexual health and employment services for young people in a youth friendly environment.

For young people with mild to moderate mental health conditions

Parramatta Mission

1800 YESS PM

(1800 937 776)


YESS is a mental health outreach service for 12 – 25 year-olds who have, or are at risk of developing, a serious mental illness. YESS is an early intervention program and services can include a combination of psychological intervention, case management, peer work, psychiatry support and family intervention.

For young people with moderate to severe mental health conditions. It is a service for young people who may require more support than what headspace can provide and for those who do not meet the criteria for the local Child & Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS).

CYMHS Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS)

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai 02 9485 6155

Northern Beaches 02 9388 5150

Lower North Shore 02 9462 9222 Ryde 02 9448 6877

The NSLHD Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) provide specialist mental health assessment and intervention to children and young people experiencing significant emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties.

Support Services

Mental Health

1800 011 511 (24 hours/ 7 Days a week)

Provides professional help and advice and referrals to local mental health services for children, teens, adults and older people.

Family Referral Service

1800 066 757

(8am– 6pm Monday to Friday excluding PH)

Linking families with the most appropriate service or supports for their individual needs.


1800 33 4673

Provides information and support for eating disorders and body image issues.


North Shore Service 02 9977 0711

Northern Beaches Service 02 9977 0711

Provides free counselling and support for young people aged 12-25 with problematic alcohol and other drugs use (AOD).

1800 Respect

1800RESPECT (1800 656 463)


1800RESPECT is the national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service


02 9460 3777

Youth Service offering homelessness services and crisis support accommodation.


02 8594 9555

Providing a broad range of specialised services for gender diverse (LGBTIQA+) young people aged 12-25 including housing, mental health, counselling and social support.

Your Local GP can make referrals to a Mental Health Clinician (i.e. Social Worker, Psychologist, Occupational Therapist) under a Mental Health Care Plan. Under the Mental Health Care plan, you can be entitled to Medicare rebates for up to 10 individual and 10 group appointments within a calendar year.