Chatswood High School

Inspiring excellence - achieving success

Telephone02 9419 3611

Environment and Bushcare

Chatswood High School is endowed with a remnant of beautiful Blue Gum High Forest in its grounds, and the forest needs help to survive. Members of the local community, school parents, and students have been working to help protect the site from invasive weeds and to assist the regeneration and enhancement of this beautiful bushland.

Chatswood High School Bushcare Group meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Everyone is welcome to join this friendly group of parents and friends, and you can come along for as little or as long as you like between 9am and 12 noon.

All welcome. Tools are provided. Bring hats, water, sunscreen, and wear sensible shoes!

If you are interested or have any enquiries, contact Lynne Saville on 9412 1846.