Chatswood High School

Inspiring excellence - achieving success

Telephone02 9419 3611

Selective Student Applications Years 8 to 11 2025

Selective Student Enrolments Years 8 to 11 in 2025

Applications open on Friday, 21 June 2024 and close on Friday, 26 July 2024.

The Application form is available HERE  until 26 July 2024.  A paper copy is available from the school office for parents unable to use the internet, as required.

Chatswood High School is a partially Selective High School with a maximum of 60 Selective students enrolled in each Year group.

The number of places available in Years 8 to 11 is extremely limited and there are usually many more applicants than places available. 

If your son or daughter wishes to apply please read the following information: 

  • Additional Documents: Please upload the following documents in pdf format with your application form: 2024 Semester 1 school report, 2023 Semester 2 school report and most recent NAPLAN Report (2023 or 2022).
  • Entrance Test:  All applicants are required to sit the entrance test at Chatswood High school on Monday 19 August 2024 from 8.30 am - 12.30 pm. COST: $110.00
  • Entrance Test Payment Link: A payment link to pay the $110.00  test fee will be included in the Receipt of Application email sent to all applicants after submitting their Application form. Payment is due no later than Friday 2 August 2024.
  • Citizenship Requirements: All applicants must be Australian/New Zealand citizens or holders of a visa granting permanent resident status in Australia.
  • Closing Date:  for all applications - Friday 26 July 2024.

How to apply, important dates, document requirements & test fee

Date What happens
June 2024 Application information available on the DET website. 
Friday 21 June 2024

Applications Open 

Application Form is available 

Additional Requirements:

School Reports: Semester 1 2024 and Semester 2 2023 
NAPLAN Report:  2023 or 2022

(All reports to be submitted with Application form via the SchoolBytes link)

Test Fee Payment - $110 - payment link will be emailed to applicants upon receipt of  Application. 

Friday 26 July 2024 Applications Close
All applications to be submitted to Chatswood High School by this date.
Friday 2 August 2024 Entrance Test Fee payment due by this date. The  $110 test fee to be paid via the payment link.
Monday 19 August 2024 Entrance Test 
All applicants are required to sit the entrance test at Chatswood High School on this day. 
Arrive: 8.15 am
late September 2024 Selection Panel meets to consider applications for entry starting in 2025.
Late October 2024 Outcome letters emailed to all applicants.
November 2024 Enrolment Interviews conducted for successful applicants