
Languages at Chatswood High School
In NSW high schools, language is a key learning area. Language study allows students to develop communication skills, learn about languages as systems and explore the relationship between language and culture. Students engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of societies and reflect on their understanding of social interactions.
Knowledge of another language broadens horizons, deepens cultural understanding, and equips students with vital skills for a globally connected future.
At Chatswood High School, our Languages faculty is committed to fostering language education and supporting students with diverse backgrounds and abilities. Our dedicated teachers provide a high-quality learning environment designed to enhance language acquisition and intercultural understanding through a range of dynamic lessons and activities. Our program incorporates differentiated work and extension, ensuring that all students are challenged at an appropriate level.
Courses Offered
The courses offered at Chatswood High School are Chinese, French and Japanese.
Stage 4 (Year 7-8)
In Year 7, students participate in semester-long "taster" courses, sampling one language per semester from Chinese (Mandarin), French, and Japanese. These courses focus on developing practical speaking and listening skills for everyday situations, alongside an introduction to cultural aspects of the language.
In Year 8, students engage in a year of language study where they develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing while exploring cultural knowledge more extensively.
Stage 5 (Year 9-10)
Chinese, French, and Japanese are offered as elective courses in Years 9 and 10. These courses are open to both students new to the language as well as those with prior learning or experience. They provide an opportunity to further develop language proficiency and cultural understanding, building a strong foundation for senior studies.
Stage 6 (Year 11-12)
Japanese, Chinese and French are offered as 2-unit courses towards student’s Higher School Certificate (HSC). These courses cover the four core skill areas—listening, speaking, reading, and writing, through engaging topics and themes.
The following Stage 6 courses are available:
Chinese: Beginners, Continuers, Chinese in Context, and Chinese and Literature
French: Beginners and Continuers
Japanese: Beginners and Continuers
All Languages students have opportunities to enhance their learning and connect to the real world through excursions, incursions, letter exchange programs and classroom activities. Students have the opportunity to taste food, visit restaurants, view films and attend events of their language’s culture. There is also a possibility of travelling overseas to experience this culture and language firsthand.