CHS Careers Hub
Career development and transition planning at Chatswood High School is focussed on helping students connect their strengths, values, and goals so that they may begin to construct their lives in a way that is meaningful to them. This can provide a sense of purpose and belonging, supporting wellbeing and lifelong learning in the years to come. Career development activities, life-long learning competencies, along with an awareness of character strengths and attributes are explored to build positivity around uncertainty, so our young people can face their futures with confidence.
Students at Chatswood High School are provided with opportunities to explore career concepts and tasks in fortnightly Year 10 Careers Education lessons. Students and their families may also make appointments to discuss careers and pathway options with qualified Career Advisers, who are situated in the school library. Students in years 10 to 12 are encouraged to take personal responsibility by paying attention to important events, opportunities and key calendar dates which are regularly promoted on Google Classrooms and our dedicated careers website
In addition to the Career Conversations program run throughout the year at lunchtimes where universities, TAFE, apprenticeship, and industry representatives are available to speak with students, there are many opportunities for exposure to career related activities and visits during Careers Week in second term.
Parents and carers are asked to please call the school reception to initiate contact.
Careers Advisers: Ms Laurina Barbetti & Ms Nicole Stacey